Sunday, June 27, 2021

Latwii Channeling – June 27 2021



Sunday morning arrived and after a week of mostly terrible weather, it was a pleasant relief to be able to jump back on the bicycle and ride out to the meditation tree.

I hadn’t articulated a proper question and so was uncertain what would happen. Indeed, I was uncertain if I would even get to communicate with the Confederation of Planets because the past two meditations I had been called back into the inner-realms and been engaged by a new presence. It was totally unexpected on the first occasion and then on the second, I had an idea that I would find him again awaiting my entrance. Indeed, the mystery surrounding appearance of this fellow into my meditation space had my head spinning as that had never really happened before. However, he passed my psychic challenges (to confirm his nature and intentions were as “a servant of the Love, Light and Healing Energies of the One Infinite Creator for the greatest good of all.”) so I was open to his engagement. He introduced himself as Malchizedek (I had to look up the spelling) and offered himself as an instructor.

I had heard of the name Malchizedek before, in association with Drunvalo Malchizedek and his Merkabah Meditation that I ran into back in the early 2000’s, but had not really had any clarity around who, or what “Malchizedek” was.

At any rate, this was giving me some confusion and after I positioned myself beneath the tree, entered my meditation state and finally engaged the Confederation of Planets, Latwii came to the call and very promptly picked out this issue to speak to, identifying that I had a number of unasked questions around it.


I am Latwii. I communicate now, my brother. We thank you for inviting us to share this time with you in your seeking and contemplation in meditation.

(Long pause) ….

We scan your mind for questions and see a confusion of thoughts that exist, for which you have been considering the significance. If we can take but one of those thoughts and unpick it a little, so to speak, we would take the question of your recent experience with the one known as Malchizedek. This entity has come to you through the inner-planes of the Earth as a guide to instruct you on the ways of utilising and manipulating the light of the Infinite Creator. We sought the term “Intelligent Energy” but accept your transposition of “light” in its stead, for they are equivalent in concept. However, the description of Intelligent Energy may perhaps provide more understanding of the characteristics of the light of the Creator. For the consciousness of the Creator is embedded with that light, making it intelligent and apt for the (pause) moulding, one might say, by those entities who can realise their connection to the Creator.

Once the connection is penetrated and realisation of the unity in the Creation is attained, then one may consciously, through that unity, instruct the intelligent energy of the creation to become an active creator of your own experience. The exercises provided by the one known as Malchizedek are intended to be used once the unity of the Creator is penetrated in your consciousness.

Said in another way, my brother, once your ignorance is eradicated, you may consciously manipulate the Creation of which you are a part.

We sense you query on the nature of this entity Malchizedek, and can share with you this energy has existed within the human experience on this Earth plane since the attainment of 3rd density lifeforms. He is an original master of the inner planes of your planetary experience and exists to guide those advanced seekers into the path of co-creation.

(extended pause) … He comes to you know, my brother, because you have raised your energetic level, so to speak, to be in tune with that level of awareness that Malchizedek is in harmony with. You may view this as a stepping stone, shall we say, on your path to becoming a realised entity in this density of your Earthly experience. However, we caution that it is only through persistence that you will arrive at your destination. And without that, you will forever be scratching the surface of the true nature of your existence.

Go forth, therefore, with the commitment and will to claim your position on the road to eternity and unity with the Creator.

Adonai, my brother, Adonai.


I now have some context for who this Malchizedek entity is and it provides me an appreciation for his nature, background and reason for connecting with me. It would seem I have things to learn from him to progress on this path. I certainly do not want to be trapped “scratching the surface” of my true nature.

May we each find the inspiration and motivation to persist with great will on our path towards enlightenment.  

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Latwii Channeling June 20 2021


Another cold Sunday and again I rode off into the light fog of the morning. Some long skins this morning to keep my legs from totally freezing and I enjoyed a refreshing and uneventful ride to the meditation tree. 

I had not prepared any questions, but did have on my mind a discussion with friends from yesterday where they were all speaking about getting their immunisation jabs, congratulating themselves of the promptness of their act, and complaining that the government had not coerced more people to join them. So, I guess that was rattling around in my mind when I finally arranged myself under the now leafless branches of the tree. 


I am Latwii. I communicate now, my brother, and greet you in the love and the light of the one Infinite Creator. We are humbled to be invited to share in your meditation this morning. And while you have no clear or concise questions formulated, we would talk to the issue you are facing at this time on your planet (pause) of the mass medication of your population with chemicals concocted to combat the virus that has caused the concern among your peoples at this time. 

From our perspective, my brother, this is just one aspect of the greater transition that your Earth is going through. As communicated previously, and anticipated for some number of your years, the separation of the population into those aligned to the domination of others in one group, and those aligned to free-will and freedom of expression in the other, is well advanced by this medication activity. Those who are strong-willed, might we say, and questioning of the world around them, are those who also respect others for their right to question the world as it presents itself. And in that respect, fall into the second grouping of your population, being those aligned with the love of the Creator for all of its aspects. Those choosing, through the influence of your media and politicians to accept the offered medication, are those who do not question or seek the truth in the world around them, but fall in lock-step with the authority that seeks to dominate all. And in this respect they form part of the first grouping that deny the love of the Creator for all of its aspects and lend their weight to the conquest of those oriented towards a life of freedom of choice and expression. 

It is our understanding that the Creator seeks to experience itself through all possible means, and denying the possibilities of experience to others is limiting the experiences available to the Creator and hence not aligned with the will of the Creator. However, even as we say those words we must recognise that that experience of denying the right to choose to others is itself a valid experience for the Creator. But it is without love and understanding and, hence, not aligned with those who seek to live in the love of the Creator.

I am Latwii. I am Latwii. …(pause)... I am assisting and adjusting your vibratory field that you may sustain your focus against the noise of the, shall we say, outside world. Have patience my brother. 

We say to you that it is well for those who would seek a life in love that they do not participate in this program of widespread medication, for the effects of it will restrict your future choices and your ability to transition with your planetary consciousness as it moves into its next experiential space. Maintain your awareness of this necessity through a practice of daily meditation to strengthen your will against the seas of popular opinion that will batter your shores. 

Hold true to your desires and know that you are one with the Creator, sovereign in your decisions and rightfully aligned to the will of the Creator. 

God-speed, my brother, as you step forward in faith, know we are there to support you and protect you on your journey now that you have conscious awareness of our presence. 

Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the love and the light of the one Infinite Creator. Adonai, my brother, Adonai. 


I have little to add to this, except to note that it is very contemporary, but still makes the stark observation that by allowing oneself to be coerced into compliance, one is actively participating in the totalitarian agenda for limited freedoms and where policing of obedience becomes the norm. This is clearly a lower “vibration” of existence than one of free-choice and free-expression. This places the decision to comply as a spiritual choice between following the Earth on its current transitions to a higher density, or not. 

There is one thing for certain, I intend to follow a path of positive spiritual evolution and I will not compromise on that for any politician or complaining friend. 

This brings to mind saying 21 from the Gospel of Thomas and bears some consideration in light of the recognition that Jesus uses “House” to refer to one’s body, and here we can also see a correspondence between the modern world we inhabit and “field that is not (ours)”

21. Mary said to Jesus, "What are your disciples like?"

He said, "They are like little children living in a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Give us back our field.' They take off their clothes in front of them in order to give it back to them, and they return their field to them.

For this reason I say, if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming, they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house (their domain) and steal their possessions.

As for you, then, be on guard against the world. Prepare yourselves with great strength, so the robbers can't find a way to get to you, for the trouble you expect will come.

Let there be among you a person who understands.

When the crop ripened, he came quickly carrying a sickle and harvested it. Anyone here with two good ears had better listen!"

May we each realise the strength of will to hold true to our desires for a return to the higher spiritual planes. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Hatonn Channeling June 14 2021




Feeling that the meditation session of yesterday was incomplete, I jumped on the bike and rode back to the meditation tree before anyone else had arisen. Another cool and cloudy day, very similar to yesterday and the blanket of cloud extended toward the ground with a light mist surrounding me as a peddled away from the house. I felt invigorated and strong as I rode, noticing that the effort required to propel the bicycle seems less and by the time I reached the meditation tree, I launched into my workout without hesitation. Even in my inverted push-ups, I could feel the power to drop lower than usual.

At any rate, by the time I settled into meditation I was calm and reflective, following my breath and easily able to visualise the images of the Merkaba vehicle of light, the spheres of protection, the opening of the chakras, and following the caduceus path of light to settle my awareness at my pineal gland. There seemed to be little effort at all this morning, and so it was, in calm abiding, with a mind clear of thought and within spheres of protection, I engaged the Confederation of Planets in communication again.

Meditation – Part 2 – June 14 2021

I am Hatonn. It is our pleasure to be with you this morning, to share in your period of meditation.

We would like to continue answering the questions that you posed yesterday, for the last question is somewhat significant for the time you …(pause)… remain on this Earth plane. The question was relating to how advanced societies who have graduated beyond this realm govern themselves and whether, indeed, there is a role for government.

We say to you my brother, that the concept of authority that is enmeshed within your concept of government needs to be separated and addressed on its own when it comes to governance and collaboration in the higher realms. For we have free-will, my brother, and all societies operating in harmony with the Creator respect the free-will of all the other aspects of the Creator that you conceive of as individuals. So, governance in those societies that are in harmony with the love of the Creator for his Creation, is in the form of mutual understanding and respect. It is not associated with that concept of forceful authority that governments in your world assume and project through violent means upon their citizens.

It is only in those societies developing along the path outside of the Creators love for his Creation, that the concepts of totalitarian authority exist. In those societies the hierarchy of spiritual power is the law, and the will of the one with the greatest power prevails regardless of its impact on others. In those societies where existence is in harmony with the love of the Creator for his Creation, it is the Golden Rule that prevails. Decisions made are of a consensus that is evidently in harmony with the Creation and where impacts on others are of the highest concern.

Where decisions are uncertain and benefits unclear, we enlist the support of those from higher realms of existence to apply their own refined …(pause)… we correct this instrument … refinement of the Creators light to the situation. For the path goes ever on as progress is made towards attunement with the Creator. And there is always those beings of higher refinement, if not within this octave of existence, then within the next.

As for the freedom of individuals to express themselves within our societies, they practice the harmonies of discernment within the Creators light and are free for their full expression within that light. 

… (Pause) …

There is, by necessity, therefore, the separation of beings amongst those who would follow the love of the Creator and those who would follow the love of the Self. If mixed together there is an annihilation of sorts that occurs where those on the one path deny the rights of those on the other and progress is not possible. So, through mutual agreement entities separate into different realms of experience based on the nature of their desires. It is with the Earth at this time of transition that such a separation is occurring and the differences between those who live in love and those who don’t are becoming pronounced and obvious. Where there is no respect for the other-self, there is love of the self as of greater importance to the entity. Where there is respect for the other-self, there is love. And it is love, my brother, that we share with you and the Earth at this time. It is our hope to give those who live in love the opportunity to realise their potentials through this time of Earthly transition.


We feel you are seeking clarification on financial matters at this time. We say to you fear not, that all is well. Be diligent, aware and prepared, and you shall succeed.

We take our leave at this time, my brother, and say to you to go forth in the certainty and confidence that you are loved in Creation by the Creator and that you are, indeed, a priceless part of the Creator itself.

Adonai, dear one, Adonai.


In this communication, Hatonn comprehensively addressed the fourth question I had posed yesterday:

Societal Governance in Advanced Societies – Is there a role or necessity for Government? How do more advanced civilisations or societies in the higher densities operate and govern themselves?

I had hoped when I left home that this question would be addressed, but was not thinking of it at all when I eventually settled into meditation. I guess it is not so surprising that they came through, picked up the question and treated it so completely, but I am quite impressed and grateful. The idea of harmonic attunement (to the Creator’s love) providing a self-regulating system for societal governance without forceful threat of compliance is pretty astounding and is something we can hardly envision, being surrounded by violent threat from Authorities governing our every movement and even thoughts, with the policing of social media. Sharing an existence where mutual love and respect binds society together sounds pretty appealing to me and is just the vision of a future I need for motivation to keep on the path and not be return to this realm.

27. "If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the (Father's) kingdom. If you do not observe the sabbath as a sabbath you will not see the Father."

May we each find our path back to the Creator’s love and rise beyond this world.


Hatonn Channeling June 13 2021


Another Sunday arrives and with little wind it is the perfect morning to grab some exercise with a bike ride to my meditation tree. What a beautiful and enjoyable winter ride. Full cloud cover gave the experience a greyish tone, yet it also moderated the temperature to keep it relatively comfortable.

I arrived, exercised and quickly settled into meditation.

Anticipating a dialogue with the “Confederation of Planets in service to the Infinite Creator”, I spent a few minutes before getting out of bed composing a few questions that might provide some insight into our experiences on Earth. There were four, and in summary they were:

  1. Stimulating Desires  - I have noticed that base desires have been stimulated in recent weeks and I was wondering if, not withstanding that we are all one, this was a purposeful act by one or more other entities acting on me and if so, what is the purpose?
  2. Privacy from Spirits – Is it true that we are continually surrounded by other spirit beings, and if so, do we have any privacy. For example, during sexual acts or other personal moments?
  3. Purpose of Covid Restrictions – I have analysed the statistics published by the Australian Government for the Coronavirus and observe that only a very small number of the population is at risk of dying from it. Is there some other high impact issue relating to this virus that the government authorities are trying to protect the population from without telling us the details? What is their purpose for enforcing restrictions on the population?
  4. Societal Governance in Advanced Societies – Is there a role or necessity for Government? How do more advanced civilisations or societies in the higher densities operate and govern themselves?

We only got through the first 3 questions, before the discomfort in my legs began to encroach in my ability to concentrate and the connection was terminated. But the communication was insightful nonetheless.

Meditation – June 13 2021

I am Hatonn. I communicate now, my brother, and thank you for the invitation to share this time with you. We are aware of your anxiety regarding the questions you have written and say to you, my brother, relax. Release the thoughts of worry from your mind. Focus only on this moment and being in service to the Creator.

… (long pause) …

We thank you for your questions and scan your mind for their detail.

The first question, regarding the stimulation of your desires by external parties, we would answer in this fashion. Firstly, as you point out, there is no separation. All are one, and the concept of an external party is flawed from the perspective of the Creator. However, from your constrained perspective, tied as you are to this material illusion, then it is true that there are many external parties.

Once you begin to attract and concentrate the light of the Creator, you also attract the attention of beings that are of the light. Your presence, as it were, becomes more pronounced and you become known, as it were, to those who seek to help humanity as well as to those who seek to subjugate humanity. And it is the second group of entities that are those who would seek to dissuade and discourage you from concentrating the light of the Creator within you.

They do this through many means, but certainly one is to apply their attention and focus on those perceived weaknesses that may move you from the path that you are seeking. Desires of sex, of wealth, of greed in all its manifestations, of selfishness and … (long pause) … focus on thoughts other than the development of your consciousness. Their preference is to enlist you in their service to themselves. However, if that is not possible, they will settle for disabling you from impeding their objectives. And their objective is (the) conquest of humanity in service to themselves.

Your protection against these attempts to side-track you is simply your persistence in seeking, through daily meditation. For it is this process of meditation that attracts and concentrates the light of the Creator within you. Granting you the freedom to express yourself in this illusion as you see fit.

Your next question is in regards to the privacy that you might expect from these beings that are around you, that are to you invisible. We say to you my brother, that the idea of privacy from yourself is quite amusing, and can affirm that to the extent that you attract the attention of other beings, then you do not have privacy. Through your focus and requests those beings that request your sovereignty may remove focus, we might say, from you as you desire it. However, such respectful behaviour is not likely from entities of a selfish, shall we say, disposition.

Your third question is in relation to this, so called pandemic, and your government’s response.

We say to you my brother, that your analysis of those published statistics is indicative of the nature of the threat that you face. It is low, except for those elderly who are exposed in which case the threat may be considered high. This belies the alarmism … we correct this instrument … this belies the intentions of your government in the alarmism that they display. You are wise to suspect their ill intent, for it is only from that perspective that their actions make logical sense. Fear not your perspective in this matter, it is correct, and there is another agenda that they pursue that is unknown to you and undisclosed to the community. That agenda is the vaccination of the populous for the purpose of control and total subjugation. This is a desperate ploy on behalf of those entities that would seek to control humanity, for they can see that there is a growing enlightenment of the population as the Earth moves forward in this transition to a higher state of beingness.

It is unfortunate for those who will comply that they will be injured through the vaccine.

We sense the growing pain and discomfort in you, my brother, and take our leave at this time, that you may question us again later.

Adonai, my brother, Adonai.


It’s funny, but I still have a hard time just accepting that these communications are external to myself, and the anxiety I felt going into meditation was around trying to remember all the details of all the questions, that I had written hours beforehand. Somehow, I thought it was important for me to recall all those details. Obviously, that was not the case, because, I could only recall the general sense of the questions once Hatonn had summarised their detail.

I just have to learn to release all expectations and conceptualisations when engaging these entities. They certainly seem to have access to everything they need without me doing anything except focusing on being still.

I hope this means something to you, but if not, do not hesitate to just disregard it completely.


Saturday, June 5, 2021

Latwii Channeling – June 6, 2021


Well another Sunday and I was inspired to back up my Earth Healing meditation overnight with a morning bike ride and a trip to my meditation tree. While preparing for the ride, I was thinking I might make connection with the "Confederation of planets in service to the one infinite Creator" and ask "how I might be of optimal service to the Creator at this time?". So I jumped on the bicycle and rode into a cold and biting wind for about 45 minutes, with leg muscles crying out from having spent the preceding week behind a desk. 

I got to the tree and did a light workout of sit-ups, push-ups and chin-ups on the equipment available for that, and feeling I had adequately released the accumulated nervous energy, I made an offering to the spirit of the tree and then arranged myself under it. By the time I had completed all the preparatory sets to get into the meditative state, the question I had anticipated asking was long gone from my mind. Instead, I settled into awareness within the present moment, made my connection and asked "how I may optimise my practice to more rapidly progress toward enlightenment?" 

The following is a transcript of the recording I made.  


I am Latwii. I communicate now. I come to your calling and to support your meditation practice. We encourage you to maintain and continue with your practice through all the days you are upon this planet. 

We hear your question about how you may optimise your practice, to more rapidly attain the states of enlightenment that you seek. We say to you, my brother, that the daily commitment to a period of solitude where you can plumb the depths of your connection to the Creator in meditation, is the path to optimise your attainment. And it is only through that practice of consistent meditation that you may build on your attainments in a compounding way to gain that which you seek. 

Without the consistency and commitment, the compounding effect does not apply and you are forever progressing and retracing, progressing and retracing, and it prolongs your existence within this density. 

You must overcome your aversion to the daily practice. Through reason (said with a slight laugh) your will understand that it is of little effort to make for the benefits received. And yet, you are continually encouraged by the world around you to ignore this primary importance … we correct this instrument … ignore this activity of primary importance. 

You must fortify your will against the illusion within which you are immersed. It tells you there is no other existence, than that of the material one. Consider if you will, that those who are encouraging you to believe such things do not believe them themselves, and are subjugating you to their will, that they may achieve greater spiritual power. 

It is an intricate and convoluted game that they play, and the illusion is so comprehensive that the only way to escape it is through the practice of meditation where the outside world is ignored … (long pause) … While the illusion exists outside of you, your objective assessment of it can only come from an internal perspective. This is why meditation is the key to escaping the illusion. 

Do you have another question, my brother?

… (long pause) … 

If there are no further questions, we might leave you to your contemplation and support you energetically in your meditation. 

Go forth in the confidence of the realisation that you are one with the Creator. 

Adonai, my friend, Adonai. 


On reflection of the session on my ride back home, I was a sense of something approaching disappointment that my questioning was so mundane. I guess there is just so many ways they can say that meditation is critical to one's progress, so I will have to respect the effort of their communication more and consider and document my questions beforehand. However, there are some golden nuggets in there still, such as Meditation being the only way to hold an objective view of the subjective sensual experience of the material world.   

Again, I also find a strong correspondence between this message and with the Gospel of Thomas:

21. Mary said to Jesus, "What are your disciples like?"

He said, "They are like little children living in a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Give us back our field.' They take off their clothes in front of them in order to give it back to them, and they return their field to them.

For this reason I say, if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming, they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house (their domain) and steal their possessions.

As for you, then, be on guard against the world. Prepare yourselves with great strength, so the robbers can't find a way to get to you, for the trouble you expect will come.

Let there be among you a person who understands.

When the crop ripened, he came quickly carrying a sickle and harvested it. Anyone here with two good ears had better listen!"

May we each find that time to commit to a daily practice that we may realise our fullest potentials and make the best possible transition from this world when that time comes. ❤🙏