Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Gospel of Thomas - Saying 11



(11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. 
In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

Oh, my! How to unpack all the spiritual information contained within these few words? At first glance it appears to be words structured in to sentences, but with no real discernable meaning. Which is the hallmark of compassion, preserving, as it does, the free will of people to experience this existence in ignorance of the nature of their reality. 

So by reading this you are obviously seeking higher truths, but if not, just disregard this post as the wayward thoughts of a random person on the internet, and of no consequence. Indeed, you do not need to read any further, I only offer this explanation by way of my very poor interpretation of things and so completely able by you to be cast aside. 

To carry on, however, I wanted to pick up from the characteristics of the different frequencies of the Creator light (call it Prana or Chi energy if you like), that I touched on in the previous post for Saying 23 of the Gospel of Thomas.  

In that post, I outlined the correspondences between the Chakra energy centres and the various aspects of our lived experience. I made the point the as we refine and balance these energy centres, they more concisely refract the respective qualities of the Creator Light and shine that through our being (our energetic bodies), manifesting the qualities of that light around us. It is as if we are a torch shining multiple colours of light and the creation reflects the qualities of that light back to us, where we are able to then observe that through the quality of our lived experience. 

But it is structured, and as I noted, this description of the Creator Light can be observed as defining a progressive model for individual self-realisation through which we must develop and refine the clarity by which the Creator Light shines through us. This progress is in a similar, but more complete, way to the well known description of Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

I have outlined these Properties of Light on this blog 10 years ago, identifying how they reflect the notes of a musical octave and together comprise an octave of light, as also identified by Isaac Newton. Given the experiential correspondences with the Creator Light described and our progression toward self-realistion, it is relatively straightforward to conceive of these Properties of Light collectively as a single Octave of Experience.  Just as musical Octaves are arranged on a keyboard in ascending and adjacent order, one can imaging these Octaves of Experience also arranged in ascending and adjacent order.

Imagine if you can, these 7 octaves on the keyboard representing a collection of 7 different octaves of experience, with the notes representing the Properties of Light in that particular octave. Indeed, imagine in octave #3 for instance, the 7 keys are coloured Red through to Violet reflecting the "colour" spectrum of the Chakras.  

As you can see, we are starting to run into difficulties of language to convey meaning. For while we can quite succinctly describe the Properties of Light in our experiential octave, we have nothing to describe the other octaves, and even the terminology of "octave" and "light" and "colour" is confusing as they already have meanings tied to the respective sense organs of our material bodies. This is where you may have heard some sources talk of Frequencies, Vibrations and Densities in an effort to wrap these meta-physical concepts within the physical constraints of verbal language.  But let us do away with all of these oft used and confused terms and apply another word that is associated with higher states of being. Lets call each of these experiential octaves "Heavens".

And just like that, with a keyboard and a system of experiential correspondences with the Chakra energy systems, we have derived the metaphysical construct that defines the developmental pathway for our soul's experience through eternity. 

That is, we exist in one of those Heavenly octaves on the keyboard of eternity, trying to bring ourselves into attunement with the pitch of each of the experiential frequencies of that octave, to resonate as a perfect expression of the Creator's Light in that octave.  In effect, becoming one with the Creator and graduating to the next Heavenly octave. 

And so we pass from one "Heaven" to the next, gradually attuning ourselves with the notes/colours of that octave to become one  with the Creator, then moving on to the next to start the process again. Learning and attuning ourselves to become expressions of the Creator in the next.

However, with move between each Heaven the nature of the creation is necessarily different, and existing in a different octave of experience will not only have differences in the expressions of the Creator, but in the expressions of one's bodily manifestations, sources of sustenance, means of locomotion, communication and socialisation. 

So we are on a never ending cycle of progress from one existence to another, through a karmic cycle of reincarnation, perfecting the expression of ourselves to become one with the Creator. Moving from one Heavenly octave to the next, adopting new bodily forms, ways of existing and ways of experiencing the Creation. 

Now, I challenge you NOT to understand these words coming as directly as is possible from the historical Jesus, across the span of 2000 years...

(11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die.
In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

May we each have the persistence and determination to discover our truth and perfect our unique expressions of the Creator. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Gospel of Thomas - Saying 23

. Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will stand as a single one."

I spoke at length on the weekend with some old friends of mine who have moved from the USA, to Australia, and now to New Zealand. They have seen and worked in much of the world, and they are aghast at the degradation of objective cultural norms based on virtue and merit, in favour of politicians appeasing emotional and illogical claims that often come down to positions competing for victimhood status. So much are they upset, that they were considering moving again to yet another Country where they hope for a little less crazy.

Of course, I sympathise greatly with their observations, but have come to find a place of peace amongst the increasing insanity of the public discourse while ever I can maintain a regular meditation practice.  (To wit, the late nights and early mornings of the markets are making it difficult to maintain.) However, I realise that without the inward focus on evolving one's awareness, it is very easy to get swept up in the sea of crazy that is continually washing up on the shore of your mind through the echo chamber of the media. 

So after receiving a bunch of emails from them today imploring me to read other peoples views on just how nutty the inverted moral compass of politics and media are making things, I decided to respond by way of explaining how nothing can be trusted that is not self-discovered, and I have disconnected from the media and from raging against the obvious insanity of politics. Instead, I suggested I have Revelation 18:4 in mind these days and seek not to engage with the insane, but to sidestep around them, focusing on the good and productive elements in the community. Funnily enough, when you do so, you too will find that your local community is full of very reasonable people to engage with and the craziness is just that little further away.

You may feel I am rambling on a little but the point I wanted to make is relevant to the above, for engaging in one's community is a sign of spiritual maturity, in so much that how one expresses  themselves in the world reflects their attainments, or not, in wisdom and spiritual power. The system of personal development through the activation of the Chakra Energy centres I have outlined in this blog, demonstrate how those states of attainment are reflected in the nature of one's engagement with the community and the world they are in and it is up to us individually to pursue our spiritual development to expand the scope of our life, beyond consuming the insanities of the political establishment in their orgy with the media and the commentators making a living deriding them. 

But spiritual development can't be attained without doing the work. No amount of moving Country or living in a bunker will help with realising our individual potentials for spiritual attainment. Indeed, mastering oneself is no easy task and takes a concerted and consistent effort to achieve progress, ... but you will progress with the effort. And you will see that progress in the manner you engage with the world about you. For as you regulate your mind and refine its attunement, so to speak, your energy centres become brighter and more clearly defined, manifesting a clearer and brighter existence as per the correspondences with the Chakras. 

It is from the inward out, not the outward in, and as no amount of physical relocation can assist, no amount of energising or stimulating your energy centres with Crystals, Tuning Forks, or what have you, will help either. Indeed, it might very well hinder your development by distorting and unbalancing those energy centres, that inturn will be reflected in a distorted and unbalance lived experience.

So too, the over stimulation of our senses and our passions, upset the gentle balance needed to sustain a spiritual practice, but our commitment and dedication are rewarded because it is not easy. And it is meditation, my friends, that is the tool needed to do the inner work necessary to quiet the disturbed mind and subdue one's craving thoughts and desires.  In so doing you refine the attunement of your energy centres to regularise the flow of the universal light of the Creator through you, manifesting in the quality of your experiences and how the creation arranges itself around you. 

For in that process, the attunement you achieve is in fact a closer alignment with the Creator and the understanding that you are one with the Creator and with the Creation. 

With these attainments, you will of course be in the minority.  Indeed it will not at all be surprising to you that there is so much insanity in those who are not yet ready to embrace their spiritual development and you will no doubt find your self assisting others find their feet upon the path.

Do these words make any kind of sense now? 

23. Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one from a thousand and two from ten thousand, and they will stand as a single one."

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

LL Research Channelings

Over the past few months the early channeling sessions of LL Research have been lovingly converted to video format by someone behind the YouTube account "Living Light & Love". 

LL Research are the group behind the Law of One material produced in the early 1980's and these channelings pre-date the Law of One by up to 10 years. They are of the highest order and well worth a review by the inquisitive seeker. 

The reproduction is of the highest quality and is the best I have seen of the verbal reproductions of spiritual works I have seen. 

Below is a sample, for your reference and pleasure.

Nag Hammadi Library - The Gospel of Thomas

The Gospel of Thomas is one text in a collection of apocryphal texts discovered in 1945 in Egypt. There is an intriguing story about the discovery that is retold, along with the publication of the texts, on the website.  However, the basic background of the texts are that they are dated from the second century AD and were likely buried to preserve them from destruction by conformists to the newly defined orthodoxy of canonical scriptures defined by the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This council was convened by the Roman Emperor Constantine to define an authorised and controlled standard for the Christian Bible, that unfortunately did not include the Gospel of Thomas. As a result, it is as close a reproduction of the direct sayings of the one known as Jesus as is possible, miraculously by-passing 1700 years of censorship.

I have read some of the texts in the Library over the years, but there is none so profound and intellectually accessible as the Gospel of Thomas. It has become a resource that I am continually drawn back to as explanation for metaphysical concepts expressed in a way that is readily interpretable. 

This is important as there is a real problem in trying to describe metaphysical concepts in a language and through a form of communication that is constrained to the physical scope of our material reality. It is impossible to precisely and accurately explain the principles and concepts of a reality that transcends our senses with words that do not. So for seekers of truth and understanding, such explanation can shine a bright light on The Path, providing much needed guidance and clarity. 

In the Diamond Sutra, Gautama Buddha explained it thus in that dialog with his follower Subhuti:

"They should recall that in teaching spiritual truths the Buddha always uses these concepts and ideas in the way that a raft is used to cross a river. Once the river has been crossed over, the raft is of no more use, and should be discarded. These arbitrary concepts and ideas about spiritual things need to be explained to us as we seek to attain Enlightenment. However, ultimately these arbitrary conceptions can be discarded."

Hence, it is that a seeker of understanding needs accurate and unadulterated explanations from the enlightened, that are otherwise unavailable. With the correct context and experiential insights (only gained through meditation), such words are transformed into concise explanations of concepts and principles to further one's spiritual progress and development. Without the proper experiential context, though, one is prone to misinterpret, not understanding, and be confused by such explanations of metaphysical concepts.

Thus it is with the sayings of Jesus reproduced in the Gospel of Thomas. I quote them often, as invariably these millennia-old didactic parables, are more concise and to the point than anything I can say.  

If one looks at saying 3 for instance, as the first of the explanatory sayings, we see "Jesus" laying the reality of our experiential existence bear for the inquisitive seeker to readily understand, while the ignorant just see an arrangement of words in grammatical form. 

3. Jesus said, "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

Too often people are seduced into the mistaken belief in a plural "we", identifying not as an individual but as a member of a collective, defined by common traits, beliefs and attitudes. But here Jesus is saying quite clearly that if you are so defined and identify with the edicts of ignorant leadership of your collective, then you are deceived.

Instead, he says know your true nature to be children of the living Father (individuated aspects of the conscious and aware Infinite Intelligence, aka the Creator) and you will be known (by other self-realised individuated aspects of the Creator). Otherwise you are nothing but the poverty of unrealised potential. 

In what is effectively the very first saying of Jesus, transcribed 2000 years ago, he tells us directly, that our job is to transcend this mundane existence to fulfill our potential as self-realised co-Creators. That the universe is alive, that we are intrinsically linked to it and there are other beings waiting to welcome us upon our graduation. 

Do you not wonder at the intelligence that could have possibly compressed so much detailed information into 5 short sentences, yet still make them appear as words without poignancy to a casual reader? Honestly, to be able to provide such graphic detail on the nature of our reality, while preserving the free-will of people not yet ready to open their hearts to the truth of our existence is in itself mind-boggling, let alone any consideration for the quality of the lessons embedded.   

I say lessons, because there are multiple layers of information in this saying. In addition to what I just outlined, there is also the repudiation of identifying as part of a collective, the identification that there are the unscrupulous who will leverage that ignorance to deceive and manipulate you, that the onus is on us each individually to do the necessary work to "know" ourselves,  and that the consequences of not doing the work is that we are the source of our otherwise endless suffering. 

I mean, really, how did he do it? It is truly amazing! The only thing he did not define was the "how" of knowing oneself. But it is of practically zero effort to identify what the method of self-discovery is. It takes only to ask the question, before the answer is apparent and your journey to self-realisation is begun. 

🙏 May we each overcome our ignorance, anger and greed, to realise the highest perfect wisdom of the enlightened mind.  

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Message from Gaia



Last Friday I enjoyed a period of meditation in the morning. It was a lovely morning, and possibly the last warm days of Autumn, so I choose to sit on the grass in the garden. This is not so unusual as I find something very energising about meditating outside in direct contact with the Earth and often do it when the weather permits. So that was the circumstance in which I arranged myself on two small cushions, lit a stick of incense and commenced my period of meditation. 

I had arranged a global Earth Healing meditation on Saturday and this was on my mind, and after a period of concentration in Calm Abiding, I was drawn again to enter the inner-realms where I sometimes make contact with the entity I conceive of as the Earth Goddess, Gaia. 

As I write this I recognise, or at least the thought enters my mind completely unbidden, that I am procrastinating in prose, further delaying the articulation of the Communication I received. Which is true enough, I guess, but I do think that it is necessary to frame these sort of communications in some personal context so as to allow the reader to more intimately connect with the message. 

That being said, the heart of the message Gaia imparted was quite direct and brief. 

The turmoil is about to increase.
The global energies of darkness are at risk of enforcing their structures of control across all the populations of the world, and it is necessary to disrupt these actions. The earth changes are an effective means to redirect the energies of the populace towards true service to others, while exposing the empty irrelevance of the powers of control and their ill intent towards the populations in promoting fear to entrain them towards compliance. 
There is a war for control of the Earth being waged and you are all volunteers who have chosen to join the fight by lending your energies to the world at this time. Your timing was perfect to be where you are right now, and all you need do is believe in your power as sovereign entities able to recreate the world, outside of the existing controlling paradigm of limitation.

While writing the above for this post, the following words were also received, and as they seem to flow on from the message of Gaia I include them below. 

The abundance of the universe is infinite and you can access this directly, without intermediaries, through love. Just open your heart in love toward others and by sustaining this higher frequency you unlock the ability for infinity to flow through you and into the world.  

It is with love, therefore, that I share this communication. It is always a challenge of faith to publish something that is able to be scrutinised for its veracity and accuracy. But I am as interested an observer as you in this regard and will watch on with interest to see if there is increased turmoil originating from the natural world.
