Sunday, October 31, 2021

Latwii Channeling – October 3 2021


Again, another delay in transcribing this meditation following a mid-morning bicycle ride to my meditation tree 4 weeks ago. It was a beautiful spring day, as I recall, and there was definitely a lot of spring activity with the sound of chirping birds providing the background noise in the recording.

I have become increasingly impacted by a painful knee joint when sitting in half-lotus pose and it began to cut into my meditation toward the end of this session, causing Latwii to quickly terminate the connection towards the end. But perhaps it was also this background of pain that framed the communication with a focus on maintaining a higher objectivity, rather than falling prey to one’s senses.


I am Latwii, I communicate now my brother. Thank you for the opportunity to share your energies with us this morning. We recognised with you the beauty of the day and the Creation that is unfolding about you in the ever-present moment. The sun shining, the birds singing, the gentle breeze upon your skin, the sounds of the world about you and the peace of the Creator within.

Your meditation practice is (pause) focused on the merging of your conscious mind with that Creator presence that we share. By separating yourself from the world, without constructing walls, such that you may recognise the portion of you that is the Observer to the experiences about you, is the key to obtaining the objectivity of the awareness of the Creator…

…We pause to recognise that we intended to express the term “Creative Principle” instead of the expression of “the Creator” as you phrased it, however, they are synonymous and your transposition is acceptable to us. We continue now with our observation that it is only through the objectivity available in the awareness of the Creator that one may rationally and accurately access the circumstances within which they are immersed and indeed, the circumstances of others whose influence overlaps with your own.

Embracing the Creative Principle within you, balancing that with the demands of your existence in this realm, through the prism of unconditional love for all the sentient beings and manifestations of the Creator, provides you the perspective to progress through this current experience. Without this objectivity to access and refine your personality and expression through your experience, you are not able to progress be rather become stuck a habitual loop of repetition as your biases and senses are stimulated into reaction from the world about you. In that sense, you may observe the similarities with a biological computer executing an algorithm that pre-defines the responses to the experiential stimuli that you are exposed to. We say to you that it is not the purpose of this time to be asleep in algorithmic autopilot, shall we say, but to seize the day for the expression of your Creative Principle that you may step forward into the power and the peace of awareness in the unity of the Creation. The paradox may appear apparent to you, that expressing creativity while recognising a singular unity of existence may seems inconsistent, however, such inconsistencies dissolve to nothingness when you consider the eternal mystery of that singularity in consciousness, that it is forever the object of attainment and your role is to be the Experiencer.

So, we say to you in conclusion this morning, that embracing the mystery and paradox of your beingness as part of the Creator is the path to realising the potentials of your existence that you may progress beyond the constraints of this illusion. Step forward then in the peace and the power of that awareness and embrace this day and all the days to come. Adonai, my brother, Adonai.


Viewing the Creation and the circumstances around us through the prism of unconditional love and unity with the Creator sounds like a winning formula for seeing things in a new light. Indeed, what a timely message with objectivity in such short supply these days.

May we all seize the day to express the creative principle within us and not be lulled into the mindless repetition of repeating patterns of behaviour.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Hatonn Channeling – September 26 2021



I have not posted a meditation for around a month, deferring making the effort necessary to transcribed the recordings. Coincidently, I have also been feeling that the ease of making a connection reducing.

This evening I was talking to my daughter about the necessity for finding an outlet for expressing the information that is giving through spirit guidance or communication, for they will just stop pitching the ball if you are not swinging at it…or as a dear teacher told me, they can’t fill a cup that is full, so you have to let what they give you out to receive more.

Aware of the irony of my advice, I am immediately transcribing a meditation that I did almost a month ago.


I am Hatonn. I communicate now, my brother, and it is our pleasure and honour to come to you this morning (?) in response to your invitation.


Do you have a question that we may consider from our perspective that is, might we say, somewhat elevated above your own?


We perceive your question, being related to the freedom of your planet and those upon its surface from the tyranny of controls being enacted at this time.

We say to you, my brother, that it is the nature of the Tyrant to control and the tyranny will exist until it is consciously rejected by the majority of your people. For the Tyrant is as much a part of you as the desire for freedom and while ever there is the desire for the control of oneself and others by another, then the experience of tyranny will be manifested.

It is not our wish for your peoples to be forced into compliance to these limitations of Control. For we see them as an immature and unnecessary desire of your peoples that will melt away as the frost on your grasses with the rising of the Sun, being an allegory for the rising of your awareness.

It is the fear of the unknown that motivates your peoples to desire this experience of control over their freedoms. So, we step forward to encourage you to let go of that fear and to embrace the understandings of an Infinite Creator that dwells within you.

That is not to suggest that you are special or elite amongst your peoples, but to say that all have the Creator dwelling within. Waiting to be embraced, that you may (pause) step forward in peace and joy from the confidence of knowing you are an expression of the Love of the Creator. Know this and feel the concerns of the unknown fade from your mind as you gaze in wonder upon the perfection in all that surrounds you. Even in those that do not share your perspective that is derived from this awareness.

You still perceive the divinity within them and the potentials for them to also realise the awareness of the Creator. Their ignorance is temporary, for all roads lead back to the origin of life and in their own time, will each entity shed its fear.

As they do so, the power of the Tyrants diminishes and fades into the memories of a past experience that you take forward as the input into a new level of existence.

So, do not fret for the illusion of control that is the game being played, but keep focused on the truth that you are our brothers and sisters in service to the Creator. Go forward, therefore, in joy and happiness that you have the strength of the Creator within you.

Adonai, my brother, Adonai.


I am always amazed when I play back these recordings that the messages are so coherent and consistent in theme throughout. They take over 30 minutes of recording time and to see the start of the message being referenced in such a tidy conclusion at the end, really highlights to me that there is an external intelligence or consciousness at work. Being able to maintain such a focus on the originating idea of my question, that it is able to express itself so concisely through half an hour of halting words and lapses in my concentration, speaks volumes for their patience and ability to maintain focus.

I also find it interesting that this message speaks so directly to me after my experiences today, after listening to the tyrannical pronouncements of the leader of the state government. It is as if the delay in my transcription was necessary for me to be hearing this message today. Whatever the case, I am grateful for the timely advice to look past the insanity of the megalomaniacs and realise that the more insane their demands, the closer we come to the majority of people rejecting their authority.

I hope you find hope and peace in this message, as I have.