Friday, January 11, 2019

Mandela Effect: An Explanation

The Mandela Effect (ME)  is a global phenomenon in which people observe that their collective recollection of the past does not match that of recorded history. After recently discovering the ME, I was astounded to discover many people had been aware of this phenomenon for over 5 years, while I had not previously heard of it. The implications of it were such that I determined to investigate it more thoroughly and I spent some dedicated time to meditate and reflect on the situation to discern any insights that I might receive. I was also led to discover additional sources of information that all integrated with the theme and premise of this blog that I have been compiling since 2011. 

If you have experienced the ME and have become shaken by the implications of it in your own personal experience, as I was, I have set out below to provide some context for the inquisitive seeker. 

However, I should note that in the process of preparing this material, I have also experienced some very unlikely coincidences that hint strongly at external influence at work and would encourage everyone reading this to reflect on the synchronicities that may be occurring in your own life, whether they are becoming more frequent and overt, and what they may be encouraging, whether you are resisting or rejoicing in these amazing events. 

So sit back and prepare to be a little shaken by what appears to be occurring around us and what the Mandela Effect means for those of us existing at this time. 

Discovering the Mandela Effect
While participating on a Crypto Currency forum, I noted a comment from a fellow subscriber about the Mandela Effect that linked to a video. This was in early December, 2018. In watching that video, my first real exposure to the Mandela Effect was the changed name of the Berenstein Bears, which really shook me. As I explained to my wife, this is not something I could mistake, for as a little kid I loved those books and would look for the titles in book stores and in department stores when shopping with my mother. I had memorised the spelling from a young age and looking for those books is one of my strongest and earliest memories. Yet when I retrieved a book I had received as a gift from my late mother in the early '70's, it was spelled incorrectly as the Berenstain Bears. That was way too weird to ignore and without any other available recourse, it became the focus for successive meditation sessions.

2018 Insight - Timelines merging and consolidating
I spent several meditations focused on identifying the “source and cause” of the ME. In response, I consistently received the insight that the source of the ME is the movement of the Earth into another density, and the cause of the ME is the consolidation of timelines into a single one, merging all existences and experiences as part of this transition. That seemed to indicate that, the Earth was in evolution and it is consolidating all timelines into a single one.

I was perplexed for a few days, then when explaining the challenge of understanding it to someone, I recalled a meditation I had recorded years earlier and sought it out.

2013 Background - Earth has moved to a higher density
I have been a keen meditator for many years and back in 2013 I was presented with an explanation of what was happening with the Earth as I pondered the development and monotony of more wars in the middle east. I have been sporadically maintaining a blog of my meditative insights and recorded the meditation experience and the explanation at that time here: In essence it says the Earth "Goddess" has moved into a higher density, with some explanation around what this meant for humanity. It was definite that this was done, there was no going back and described this as a planetary evolution into a new density of existence, much as my recent meditations has described. While my 2013 meditation focused on the separation of discordant energies to filter out the “negative” focused population, my December 2018 meditations identified the consolidations of timelines and integration of experiences to allow it (the Earth) to transition.

Harvesting of experiences
I hesitate to say Harvest, because of the emotional preconceptions associated with the term, but the consolidation of timelines and experiences as a pre-requisite for the Earth to transition between one density and the next, does fit the concept of a harvest. Particularly if one considers the “plurality of worlds” model, where all possibilities are experienced and we exist on multiple concurrent worlds, to facilitate and intimately explore the totality of possible experiences.

Then when one also considers the increase in the active participation of non-physical entities in the events of our time, which is definitely my experience, it brings to mind this quote from the Gospel of Thomas, that I also referenced in 2013:

(73) Jesus said, "The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the harvest."

And just like that, directly from the Jesus of the Nag Hammadi Library no less, we are being told to expect "labourers" to participate in the harvest when it comes.

Time-Wave Zero and Experiential Exhaustion
Terrance McKenna, using the ancient Chinese oracle of divination the I Ching, developed a theory called Timewave Zero in which he presents time in terms of the evolution of the Earth through the resonating, fractal compression of “novelty” from the first formation of rock until the ultimate emergence of a global singularity on December 21, 2012, coincident with the conclusion of the Mayan Calendar. McKenna suggests that time is a series of recurring harmonic patterns, demonstrating fractal self-similarity of shorter and shorter periods. In his model, McKenna identified that broad epochal characteristics are condensed to be repeated later in the timeline, but in reduced durations until a flat-line is achieved that he named the Eschaton, or end time.

In viewing this concept from the distant and somewhat objective perspective of our post-2012 experience, it seems to me that the compression of experience into shorter and shorter periods of time, did not so much result in the attainment of infinite novelty, as McKenna posited a few times, but resulted in an ultimate exhaustion of novelty. Or to look at it another way, the ability of the Earth to manifest new experiences through the paradigms of the past, collapsed to zero by December 21, 2012.

It is not too difficult to understand this possibility when observing the unrelenting tightening and policing of societal controls through the totalitarianism of modernity. Globalisation of production, banking, Educational and Governmental policies, the enforcement of debt slavery in developed countries, the enforcement of poverty in under-developed countries. All giving rise to the inexorable elimination of experiential variation across the population. Sitting in traffic, isolated in a cocoon of self-absorption on public transport, exercising, dining, television, movies, shopping, customer service, knowledge workers, tradesmen, etc., life has become a formula of common units of experience that humanity repeats over and over. Educated to the same standards, programmed for the same social norms through a centrally controlled media, effectively thinking the same thoughts. Spontaneity and Joy has been replaced by Competitiveness and Earning. Freedom and Love has been replaced by Fear and Control. It all distils down to an exhaustion of novelty, rather than a compression to infinite novelty as McKenna suggested, and exhaustion of humanities ability to generate new experiences for the cultivation of our planetary host.

Delores Cannon – The New Earth
Following my recent insight meditations in December, I began observing in YouTube searches that videos of Delores Cannon had begun appearing. Not that I was searching for Delores Cannon, but I noticed one title was explaining the New Earth and needless to say, I had a good listen the first chance I got. Here is the video of Delores Cannon discussing the birthing of the New Earth back in 2007.

This video filled in many of the gaps I had over the nature of this transition, bringing together the plurality of worlds, multiple dimensions, the wheel of karma, the metaphysical nature of our experience and the objective and reason for conscious existence. This calls for the meaning of existence to be defined, or the purpose for the world to exist. (Note: At this point in my writing, my daughter, waiting on the other side of the world in an airport in the UK and on Skype with my youngest child, interrupted my typing to show me a book she purchased in Rome two days ago. The title of the book? “Why does the World exist?” … and I am not kidding. The chances of that happening randomly are zero.) Anyway, so it is Delores Cannon who defines the purpose for existence as basically the means for the creator to experience its creation.

Speaking of children, it has been for some years now that I have felt compelled to explained to my youngest child, that contrary to what the schooling system may seek to impart, it is uniqueness that is of the highest value, not conformity. And to realise the highest value from our endeavours we must be authentically ourselves by embracing that which makes us unique. It seems that the Creator also values uniqueness and novelty, to the point of transitioning entire planets into a new existential paradigm once entropy devolves conscious experience into a meaningless cycle of conformity and duplication.

I don’t mean to imply that we might now be living in a make-believe computer generated simulacrum, or that we have all died from a catastrophic fault with the CERN LHC and are now experiencing some type of residual consciousness. Or any such suggestion that dis-empowers you from any action and casts you as an unwitting victim (destined to be trapped in a Groundhog Day of unrelenting repetition, without hope of a personal ascension).

What I mean to suggest is that with the novelty of global experience, on a collective planetary level, having been exhausted, the Earth is now in a process of transition to a new reality. One that takes the integration of all experiences and learnings across all of its dimensions of existence as the basis for a new beginning in a new density.

This brings some great opportunities as well as great challenges. The challenges for us as individuals are in eliminating negative karma and positioning ourselves emotionally and spiritually to move into the New Earth. For those with much work to do, or with little inspiration to shed the old paradigms of Fear and Control, they will have to toil diligently to raise their vibratory levels into their Heart Chakra.

For those finding themselves unfettered from the constraints of past temporal patterns, we may find ourselves in a brand new period of experience. A period where the veil over our awareness of our roles as universal co-creators is peeled back a little, and choosing a life in tune and in phase with the New Earth may be much more clear. For those people making such a choice, we are in a period of wonder, where our spirit guides and helpers are more apparent in our lives, encouraging us to embrace our role as co-creators, to leave the Old Earth behind and embrace the journey into a new density of existence and experience.

The Path toward the New Earth is one of heart centred loving kindness. In which the first step it to embrace, unconditionally the love and compassion for our fellow beings. This I first recorded back in the year 2002 and reproduced as part of this blog here:

The rest of this blog has been an evolution of greater explanation of the nature of our reality, the nature of ourselves and a more detailed explanation of The Path ( of transformation to conscious co-creators in the next realm of existence.

So, the Mandela Effect appears to be a symptom of Earth shifting into a new vibratory level (density) as it consolidates all timelines, as it harvests the experience of the past density, and sheds all the energies that are not in resonance with the new level of experience. 

The stakes cannot be higher. The Harvest is upon us and as expected, it is nothing like what we have been led to believe.

May you choose an existence with the New Earth of Love, Joy and Spontaneity over the exhausted dead end of Fear, Control and Conformity. May we embrace the journey of transformation and effortlessly move into the next density with our Earth Mother without suffering.
