Sunday, August 15, 2021

Latwii and Hatonn Channeling – August 15 2021



Before breakfasting, I was again on the bicycle riding against a steady breeze toward the meditation tree. I thinking of nothing much except enjoying some exercise, but after 30 minutes or so of riding, I fell into a prayerful contemplation and ran through my prayers of gratitude, appreciation for all those who have shared their life’s experience with me, forgiveness for those who have trespassed against me, and repentance for all the suffering I have caused others.

As I was finished those recitations, I was arriving at my place of meditation. I did a light workout, releasing any remaining nervous energy, completed my pranic breathing and set my energy seals of protection, before sitting and entering the meditation state. I settled my awareness at my pineal gland through the normal process I follow and then invited the communications of the Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator. In response, both Latwii and Hatton responded.


I am Latwii. I communicate now, my brother, and share with you the light and love of the One Infinite Creator.

It is a pleasure to be with you again in your time of solitude under the protection of this entity you call “Tree”.

(Long Pause … this statement was totally unexpected and my analytical mind immediately went into overdrive…)

We sense many questions around this statement of identifying as an entity this tree and would like to address this question from the perspective of the vibratory degrees of awareness each entity achieves throughout its progression through eternity.

As you are aware, there are multiple octaves of existence and each octave is comprised of multiple harmonic frequencies. Notes, if you will, or bands of colour, but each harmonic frequency represents a point of progression on completing the (pause …) journey through that octave. These harmonic frequencies we have termed “densities” and in your density, you share it with entities of lower degrees of awareness.

Awareness is not a pejorative term in this sense, we are not casting any value relative to the other of the densities. We are just observing that each density has a more refined, shall we say, awareness of the self and progressing through to awareness of the self as the Creator. This entity that you call tree is a second density vibratory entity whose awareness of itself extends to experience of its beingness, shall we say, its existence within its natural environment.  

In an environment of love and appreciation, it radiates that back to the area surrounding it and thus it has formed a supportive envelope for your meditation practice. It has harmonised with you (pause…) frequency of being (pause …) and is aware of you entering its presence, in the same way that it is aware of the heat or the cold. However, more than awareness of the elements, it can and does resonate its (pause …) its love of the Creator and love for the Creator in your presence, providing a conducive environment for our communication. This entity, Tree as you call it, rejoices in this service and in so doing, that is to say, in your enlisting of this tree in this service, you have assisted it to progress on its own journey in its degrees of awareness of itself.

(Long pause ….)

I am Latwii and we would share this opportunity to communicate with you now with our brothers and sisters of Hatton.

I am Hatton. I greet you, my brother, in the light, in the love of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you today.

It has been some time since we have shared this presence with you and communicated in this fashion, but we are ever-present in sharing the love of the Creator upon this Earth plane for you and your fellow beings. It is our duty and honour to provide this service to you at this time and we will remain faithful to providing this service while so-ever you remain embedded in this illusion.

Our assistance is one of encouragement that you and your peoples may awake to the reality of your existence as sons and daughters of the One Infinite Creator and in awakening, that you realise the value in each other and release your desires for destruction and control, to embrace an existence of joy, creativity and abundance in the power of the Creator.

The fear that you experience as a people at this time is purely born of ignorance of this reality that we speak of and through eliminating this ignorance and embracing your truth will you move forward on your own developmental path. We support you on that journey and offer you the love that comes from eternal brotherhood under the One Infinite Creator.

Go forth, therefore in joy and confidence that all is well and all will be well. We leave you now, my brother, forever in the light and the love of the Creator.

Adonai, dear one, Adonai.


What I can say about this channeling experience was that there was a definite distinction in the feeling between Latwii and Hatton. Hatton has a more sombre or serious energetic template, if I can use that expression, than those of Latwii. Even though there was a difference, the message was still integrated, with Latwii providing a summary of evolutionary progress using the sentience of the Tree as an example, with Hatton committing their support to us through the path of that evolution. Yet both pointed out that awareness of ourselves as the Creator is both the destination for our travels and the solution to our troubles.

May we achieve that realisation sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Oxal Channeling - August 8 2021



Sunday afternoon, the weather was perfect and I enjoyed a lovely ride out to the Meditation tree again. There was nothing much different in the context of this meditation. I entered the meditation state through the same process I usually employ and have outlined previously, but on this occasion a new member of the “Confederation of Planets in service to the One Infinite Creator” responded to my request for communication. The group entity known as Oxal introduced itself and had my analytical mind immediately suspicious.

I was not expecting another entity to introduce themselves, and was aware of not wanting to appear to be copying the material of LL Research, so I was suddenly in a defensive state of mind and issuing my challenges to this would-be interlocutor. 

“Are thou a true and faithful servant of the One Infinite Creator for the greatest good of all?” is my standard challenge and I issued this three times. On each occasion I received an affirmative response and only then did I invite this entity to communicate.


I am Oxal. I communicate with you now from the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator.

We thank you for this opportunity to share our thoughts with you at this time and to share our vibrations, might we say, our love with you. You are loved wholeheartedly by all of the Creation (pause…) Just as you love and cherish the appendages of your body that allow you to manipulate and operate within this material illusion, so too are you loved and cherished as a unique and important appendage of the Creator to manipulate and operate within this material illusion.

You are indeed a priceless and unique aspect of the Creator and while you may not feel that you are in an intimate sense of(?) knowing and acknowledgement, nevertheless you are still that which you are.

We come forward today to share with you this existence of being the Creator and encourage you to relax into that awareness that you may open your heart to (pause…) the reality of this experience that you have chosen to share with those entities that surround you (long pause…) in everyday activities. Be aware and acknowledge that those other entities are also beloved of the Creator and are most intimately your brothers and sisters sharing this journey with you.

If you can embrace those about you, as we embrace you for your unique qualities and complimentary vibrations, then you are stepping beyond the illusion and abiding in the reality that is hidden from many in this world. Embrace that love for your spiritual siblings in every moment and see the truth of the Creation before you. Ignore the role and importance of others to the Creator, and abide in the illusion that has been cast upon this sphere.

Judge not harshly the mistakes of others. Neither judge harshly your own mistakes as they might appear. For everything is an expression of perfection in the moment that it occurs and while you may have aspirations for further experiences, you should embrace the situation you find yourself in at the present moment. If your expression in that moment is less than you would hope for, release all concern and try again. For this moment is all that there is, in truth, and it does not make for a pleasant existence to be frustrated, guilt ridden or to abide in some other emotion, when all one truly hopes for is to abide in the grace of the One Infinite Creator. And that grace is achieved through love.

We thank you, my brother, for this opportunity to share these few thoughts with you at this time and encourage you to “seize the day”, as you say, and realise the truth of love in every moment. Adonai, dear one, Adonai.


It is interesting listening to this recording while transcribing it, as I remember the altered state of awareness I had on my ride back home. I was full of recognition and love for all the people I encountered on the trail and the road and there was a palpable difference in my relationship with the world. For that short period on the ride home I was able to “realise the truth of love in every moment” and get a sense of what it might be to perpetually abide in grace.

Honestly, until listening to this recording, I had completely forgotten about that sensation and that experience. I guess once one steps back into the role of one plays in their everyday relationships it is difficult to sustain that sense of love for very long. In this communication, Oxal is asking us to continually practice stepping back into that place of peace with its sense of love for all beings. Even when “your expression in that moment is less than you would hope for”, Oxal says, just relax and try again.

My goodness, in this very moment, I am practicing what Oxal has shared and as I step back into the place of peace, I feel again the sensation in my chest of unconditional love for all the other entities that share this exitance with me. I invite you all, even for just a moment, to pause and step into that place of peace and feel the love flow through you for the Creation and those that are sharing this experience with you. That’s the feeling I have now and when I was returning from Sunday’s meditation session.

Imagine sharing your world with others who also live in that open hearted affection for everything around them!

May we each find our way to perpetually abide in that state of grace and awareness of the Creator.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Latwii Channeling - August 1 2021



A beautiful blue-sky day this morning, with a light breeze from the north carrying the promise of a spring that is not too far away. If ever I was going to ride the bike again, today was the perfect day, so after a Sunday morning sleep-in, I was back on the bicycle for the first time in 3 weeks cycling toward the meditation tree for a Sunday meditation session.

With a few weeks of inclement weather, and a week-long sailing trip, over the past three weeks it has not been possible to keep up my weekly communication with the “Confederation of Planets in Service to the One Infinite Creator”, and while I was traveling, I was unable to maintain my daily meditation practice. So, it is only after building back up into a daily practice over the past week that today I rode to the meditation tree to sit in the outdoor elements and focus on the inner-world.

I held no expectations for communications and would have been very happy to just concentrate in Zazen style, but after 15minutes or so of such focused effort, I invite the connection and Latwii responded.


I am Latwii. I am conditioning you to support your communication efforts.

(Long Pause…)

I am Latwii and I greet you, my brother, in the light and the love of the one infinite Creator. It is a pleasure to share this time with you again after your short absence and cessation of your meditation practice. We acknowledge the commitment you have made to re-establish the level of vibratory awareness, might we say, that brings you into harmonic accord with our level of existence. It is not a simple effort to re-attain the alignments that have taken so long in your time to establish. So we congratulate you in your effort to reconnect and regain the level of harmonic coexistence with the Earth as it inexorably moved forward in its transition to the next level of its experience.

(Pause…) Do you have a question, my brother?

We are aware of your question regarding the so called vaccination and its health impact on the recipients of it, but we say to you that we have answered this question previously to the degree that we can without abridging your free-will and personal discernment.

Do you have another question that we might share our thoughts upon?

(Pause…) Thank you, my brother, we are aware of your question regarding the motivations of the politicians in their rush to vaccinate their respective populations. We say to you, dear one, that as you suspect, their motivations are not altruistic at all, but rather (pause…) promoted from the higher levels of the global power hierarchy giving them policies and guidance on what to do and even power to present policies to their public … we correct this instrument … to their populations. They are all, in a career sense, responsible to a higher power that will promote their career. As you observe, there is always a bigger fish.

The motivations of those in the upper echelons in your global power hierarchy are also not altruistic, but are motivated by their desire to harvest in the negative density of experience. To do so, they must demonstrate their control over the majority of the population and that gives them their spiritual strength in the negative context.

The game is not played on your material plane of reality, my friend, it is played at the level of eternity and the spiritual progression of the entities that make up the players of the game. By keeping their population ignorant of the playing field, might we say, they can present their initiatives in ways that are able to be rationalised as of benefit to each of the individuals in the society that you share. However, that is not the objective for their initiatives. Their objectives are purely selfish, in such that their demonstrated control over the population enhances their spiritual power and positions them for progress on the negative path.

Your existence, my friend, in this reality is to … we correct this instrument … is designed to provide you the opportunity to perceive this truth and to live in an open hearted, loving way, radiating the light of the Creator about you despite the efforts of those that would confuse you and recruit you to their cause.

Shine your light, my friend, on the world about you. Be a source of love and recognise the unity of the Creation that you may yourself transcend this world and step forward in the game of eternity.

We thank you for the opportunity to share our thoughts at this time and bid you farewell and encourage you to step forward in faith that you are one with the Creation about you.

Adonai, my brother, Adonai.


I love the explanation provided by Latwii of the hidden nature of these pandemic controls. It makes clear that the politicians, those complying to the constantly changing policy dictates and those enforcing the policy dictates, are all ignorant of the true reason for the totalitarian demands for compliance and the harsh enforcement practices. What kind of evil genius is it that would contrive a virus to quickly entrain the populations of the world into wilful acceptance of giving up their freedoms to a global control hierarchy? And when placed into the context of the “game of eternity”, what other motivation could there be for it other than to exert power and control over the planet for the benefits of those seeking to spiritually graduate in the negative polarity?

However, we should take heart, I believe, in the inference by Latwii that we do not need to work our way up to the height of the Earthly power pyramid to “play the game”, but that we may each progress on this journey of spiritual evolution by living in the love and the light of the Creator and sharing that with the people with whom we engage.

May we each have the courage to hold true to our desire to be a source of love, light and joy on our sojourn through this world.