Friday, April 20, 2012

Virtual Reality – A Tour of Delusion

I have observed to my children numerous times when they are commenting on their social networking experiences with “friends” who are more active online than in real-life, “their relationship is not with you, but with the computer they are using. They behave differently behind their keyboard than they would in the company of people.”
What better example of Śūnyatā is there than this? Śūnyatā, the lack or emptiness of any intrinsic reality, an experience void of truth and observation of falsehood masquerading as reality. Such is the world we have historically inhabited and yet, since the turning of the new millennium how much more has this modern society embraced these contrivances of technology and dived into the shallow depths of a virtual reality that is even less real than the previous paradigm of experience.
How ironic is it that instead of turning to face the truth of our experience being Śūnyatā, humanity has turned instead to creating another layer of deception. What chance is there to elevate oneself above the cycle of reincarnation when one seeks not escape from their state of delusion and ignorance, but to compound that delusion with even greater levels of mindless banality?
Are we scared to face the truth of our existence? Can we not realise that the dissatisfaction we harbour that drives us to endless chatter on “social media” is a symptom of a distress that needs remedy instead of avoidance?
When wisdom sees Śūnyatā everywhere, surely it is delusion heaped upon delusion to seek substantiation and self-definition in a virtual reality that is more fraudulent than our current experience. Where is our society going and how are we travelling there? Is it to Nirvana on the enlightened mind under our own power, or to endless suffering through mindless attachment to ever changing technology controlled and delivered by others?
I think in all things it is important to remember that where corporate and state interests are involved, “If you are not paying for the service, then you are the product.”

May we all attain Bodhicitta, the mind of perfect enlightenment, cultivating the causes and conditions that will lead us there.

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