Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Law of Work

There seems to be a universal law at play in that requires work to create desired outcomes, or in the Buddhist view, things only arise through the existence of their causes and conditions. That is, there is nothing in the universe that arises on its own, including enlightenment. Hence, in the Buddhist view one can not become enlightened without cultivating the mental aptitude for clear and focused thought (condition), building the desire to become enlightened and undertaking the practice of introspection known as meditation (causes). In short, one has to apply work (mental or physical) to achieve an objective.

It struck me that Nassim Haramein provided a great example of that, combining both experiences in meditation and with a study of physics to arrive at his understandings.

Tao Te Ching, Verse 33.
“One who knows others is intelligent,
One who knows himself is enlightened.

One who conquers others is strong,
One who conquers himself is all-powerful.”

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