"Beginning from now," she said, "the irrationality of humanity will be disrupted with earth changing events. These will consist of volcanic, earthquake and tsunami events around the world."
The thought of "where?" had just began to float into my awareness, and she continued with "the people of Hawaii will suffer."
"These events are necessary to breakdown the structures of control that are subverting the choice of humanity to follow the path of freedom and love into a new realm of experience on Earth. Humanity as a whole has already made this choice, but the systems of control and those enforcing them are working to oppose this choice and impose an alternate future of dependence and conformity, creating a discordance in the planetary energies. These imposed limitations on humanity resist the progress of earth and its peoples into the new density of experience. It is necessary, therefore, to disrupt these energies and topple the controls to create the conditions for the free choice of humanity to express itself."
With that the attention waned and I found myself being escorted back to the entry point where I quickly gave my thanks for the opportunity to communicate with Gaia and returned back to the present and my awareness of sitting in half-lotus position. Following the conclusion of my meditation I chose to have some breakfast and as I prepared a quick bowl of Muesli cereal an internal dialogue commenced confirming the need to maintain an "empty vessel" so future communications can flow, hence I am publishing this here just a short time afterwards.
This information is both disconcerting for the overt confrontation occurring between the forces of planetary evolution and global government, and relieving knowing that the otherwise unstoppable encroachment of social controls over individual freedoms are being interrupted. In any event, it appears that we will be spectators to very challenging and interesting times shortly and we can only hope we are not to become collateral damage. Depending on your personal circumstances, particularly with respect to Hawaii apparently, taking some precautions might be prudent. Foremost amongst those would be maintaining to clear and peaceful mind. I would suggest that above all, this would make a big difference to your well-being and ability to cope and to be able to assist others in adverse circumstances. Also, quietly making some advance plans for living through societal disruptions, before they hit you, could prove beneficial to yourself and others.
A good opportunity to focus on what is truly important and leave the fear inducing drama of Covid-19, the US presidential elections and worries about other political narratives behind.
(21) Mary said to Jesus, "Whom are your disciples like?"
He said, "They are like children who have settled in a field which is not theirs.
When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Let us have back our field.' They
(will) undress in their presence in order to let them have back their field and to give it
back to them. Therefore I say, if the owner of a house knows that the thief is coming, he
will begin his vigil before he comes and will not let him dig through into his house of
his domain to carry away his goods. You, then, be on your guard against the world. Arm
yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to come to you, for the
difficulty which you expect will (surely) materialize. Let there be among you a man of
understanding. When the grain ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand and
reaped it. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."
May we each find our way to peace and the highest perfect wisdom of the bodhi mind.