The meditation described below, is a healing meditation for
the Earth and its inhabitants, to assist break it free from the tendrils of oppressive
controls and thought forms that have formed across time. These energies have metastasized to limit and constrain
the potentials of health, happiness and prosperity for the majority
of people in this world and this meditation is focused on dislodging those energies to allow the re-emergence of spontaneity, joy and freedom. In forming the intent to participate in this meditation,
we are offering our assistance to the emancipation of life on Earth, through our
energies of love and compassion.
This meditation is derived from a meditation that was adopted many years ago when I was maintaining a focus on cultivating loving kindness. At its essence it is a form of Tonglen, breathing in suffering and exhaling love and joy. It was a time of profound experience in my spiritual practice, and I hope you find it easy to follow and enlightening.
This meditation is derived from a meditation that was adopted many years ago when I was maintaining a focus on cultivating loving kindness. At its essence it is a form of Tonglen, breathing in suffering and exhaling love and joy. It was a time of profound experience in my spiritual practice, and I hope you find it easy to follow and enlightening.
This is a visualisation meditation and is in four sequential parts. The first stage is to focus and activate your energy centres and establish our psychic protections. Next we project our awareness. Thirdly we cultivate our sense of love and compassion, applying those energies to healing the Earth. Lastly, we safely return our awareness back to the here and now.
Find a quite comfortable position. If seated in a chair, sit straight up with your feet flat on the floor. Otherwise, arrange yourself as is comfortable while upright. Begin by relaxing and releasing any stress from your body. A little roll of the shoulders, or a turn of the head can help prepare your entry into meditation. Once relaxed, close your eyes and draw your attention inward to your energy centres.
Starting at the root chakra located at the perineum (red), and then moving successively to the sacral chakra located in the lower abdomen (orange), the solar plexus chakra located below the sternum (yellow), then the heart chakra located between the breasts (green), throat chakra (blue), brow chakra (indigo), to finally the crown/violet chakra, we will repeat the following breathing technique:
- Breathe in for a count of 5 and focus attention on the chakra centre, visualising the colour;
- Hold the breath for a count of 5 and see the colour enhancing and energy being received;
- Breath out for a count of 5 and see the energy spreading out into your auric field.
Centered, charged and protected
As we commence, bring your attention inward. Focus on your root chakra. Try to visualise or see the colour red in your mind's eye and apply the breathing technique. Move your attention to your sacral chakra, visualising the colour orange, and apply the breathing technique.Next, move your attention to your solar plexus chakra, visualising the colour yellow and apply the breathing technique. Again, move your attention to your heart chakra, visualising the colour green, and apply the breathing technique. Move your attention to your throat chakra, visualising the a deep sky blue, and apply the breathing technique. Move your attention to your brow chakra, visualising the colour indigo, and apply the breathing technique. Finally, move your attention to your crown chakra, visualising the colour violet, and apply the breathing technique for the last time.
With each energy centre now activated, visualise a column of white light coming down through your crown chakra. At the same time, drawing up a spiral of red energy through the ground. The upward flowing energy twists upward like a screw, rising to meet the column of white light at a point in your chest. Where the two lines of energy meet, see a bright diamond like spot forms and starts radiating out protective energy into your auric field, creating a sparkling cocoon of white energy that surrounds you and protects you within it. See that energy field complete around you.
Projecting Consciousness
Calling on your Spirit Guides and Guardians, ask them to watch over your body then from your position of protection within your field of light, project your awareness back up through the top of your head, floating upwards within the column of light. Rise up through the top of your head, through all obstacles above you, rising continuously and calmly up, through the atmosphere, you might even notice the ground moving further and further away, but continue rising at a gentle pace without pause. After a time, the sky above you transforms into a bright field of stars as you break free of the atmosphere, rising up toward a comfortable position in space, directly above your position on the ground. Rotate around to turn your gaze back towards the Earth. Large below you, you see a beautiful blue sphere floating in the vastness of the void.
Generating Compassion and Intent
Pause to reflect on how precious she is, a floating oasis in the vastness of space, supporting the life of myriads of beings as they pass through their existence, oblivious to the life giving qualities of their Earth mother. Reach out with your heart and feel the pulse of life occurring below you. You sense many existences; the love of a mother for their children, the confidence of young adults, the electricity of love’s first kiss, the gratitude for assistance in a time of need, and you realise that you are one with the Earth. Then you notice that there is also deep suffering across the world. You feel the hunger of the starving, the terror of the abused, the anguish of a family destroyed by war, the confusion of being betrayed, and the unrelenting torment of perpetual oppression, with people forever working for a life that is continually denied to them. Feeling the compassion for those myriad souls below you, open your heart to the suffering below by focusing on the suffering one who you know dearly. Perhaps it is a loving parent struggling to maintain relevance in the lives of loved ones, or your beautiful and happy child yet to face the challenges of the world, or your caring and supportive partner who you might take for granted. Feel your love for them create a great pressure in your chest and then with a directional push, let that love shine forth from your chest in a beam of golden light that shines down upon the Earth.In that moment, you realise you are not alone in your love, and as you shine your love upon the Earth, so too are many other being joined with you, shining their love upon the Earth in a great circle surrounding the entire planet. Taking your place amongst them you complete a circuit of love that now flows through you, linking you each together, amplifying the loving energies you each generate, sustaining your golden projection upon the Earth. As you feel this energy flow through you, you witness a golden grid of light spread out across the Earth. This grid is dislodging old patterns of stagnant energies, shining through and disintegrating the darkest energies that have collected over the planet, and filling the Earth with loving kindness. Allow that energy to flow for as long as you can sustain it, and watch the intensity of the grid increase.
Returning to Temporal Awareness
As you feel the flow of energy reduce, bid your colleagues goodbye and begin to retrace your path back from your position in their company. Floating down you again see the Earth fill your field of view, with ever increasing detail coming into focus. Re-entering the atmosphere, you continue floating back towards your body, through the clouds, back your region, the area you live in, all the way back down until you face your body, exactly where you had left it. Relax and allow your awareness to return to your body and take a few moments to become resettled in, and familiar with your material form. With eyes still closed, thank your spirit guides and guardians for protecting your body and assisting you on your journey. Feeling comfortable and relaxed, slowly open your eyes. As temporal awareness reasserts itself, know that you have shared your love with the Earth mother and helped release her from the stagnating energies that formed an oppressive layer around her through time.
Thank you for adding your energies to healing the Earth. May the Earth be recovered and restored to full health, such that her peoples may surge forth and realise their fullest potential. May we reflect our compassion and wisdom in perfect awareness and equanimity.
(24) His disciples said to him, "Show us the place where you are, since it is necessary for us to seek it."
He said to them, "Whoever has ears, let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up the whole world. If he does not shine, he is darkness."